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Djiriba Waagura provide a range of programs and services suitable for corporate and government organisations.


It is our overall commitment to educate and empower organisations by strengthening their understanding of Aboriginal Culture in Australia.

All of our programs and service can be tailored to suit the individual requirements of your organisation.



Captivate your workplace, function or event and take part in sharing culture by engaging our traditional dance performers. See and hear ancient language and stories shared through traditional song and dance as we perform bunaan (Corroboree) for you and your guests.

Our Cultural Performances aim to:

  • Provide a mesmerising ancient performance that will engage and captivate your audience.

  • Share our culture and provide an authentic Aboriginal experience for your audience.


Corporate Team Building

Led by our professional cultural facilitators, we provide team building workshops that will inspire your team and develop cohesion across your organisation by engaging in hands-on interactive experiences that our ancestors have shared with us for over 60,000 years. Workshops include activities such as, traditional song and dance, artefacts and tools, bush foods/medicines, boomerang throwing, painting boomerangs, spear making and fire stick/making.

Our Team Building Workshops aim to:

  • Improve communication within the team and organisation.

  • Strengthen collaboration within the team and organisation.

  • Inspire ownership and accountability in all team members.

  • Improve decision making and individual leadership skills.

  • Inspire an appreciation of cultural diversity.



Our Cultural Awareness program has been developed to strengthen an organisation’s and individual staff's cultural capability. Designed to be informative, educational and to create a deeper understanding and connection to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage here in Australia.

Our program unpacks some of the behaviours, attitudes, policies and systems that have been impacting Aboriginal people in Australia over the past 250 years. Using a strengths-based approach we build on our client's existing knowledge and awareness around these issues and provide an opportunity to develop their understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal culture in Australia.


Our Cultural Awareness Training aims to:

  • Increase your organisations and staff's capability to connect with Aboriginal communities.

  • Provide your organisation and staff with the skills to build lasting relationships with Aboriginal team members and customers.

  • Improve culturally appropriate and respectful communication skills throughout your organisation.

  • Provide information to inspire an appreciation of cultural diversity and inclusion throughout your organisation.

Our lead facilitator for our Cultural Awareness Training is Uncle Paul Gordon. Read about Uncle Paul here.


On Country Camps

Provide your team with an unforgettable experience by joining us for one of our amazing camping experiences. Ideal for team building, immerse yourself and your team in the bush and culture on the beautiful South Coast of NSW.

Our camps consist of a number of activities that include:

  • Cultural activities and workshops (traditional song and dance, artefacts and tools, bush foods/medicines, boomerang throwing, fire making and many others).

  • Coastal bush walks that include visiting ancient Aboriginal rock art sites that are sacred to our culture.

  • Swimming in some of Australia's most desired beaches and swimming holes.

  • Participating in a traditional corroboree (with the opportunity to share our dances and songs and to be painted in sacred ochres).

Our camps are fully catered with traditional sea foods, meats and vegetables and can be altered to suit your needs.

Our camps are flexible and can be tailored to suit the needs of your team and organisational requirements.

Our On Country Camps aim to:

  • Expose your team to an immersive cultural experience, inspiring a deeper connection to Aboriginal Australia.

  • Create a stronger sense of connection within your team.

  • Improve communication within the team and in turn your organisation.

  • Strengthen collaboration within the team, inspiring ownership and accountability in all team members.

  • Improve individual leadership skills.

  • Provide an opportunity for your team members to experience nature and 'reset' outside of their usual work environment.

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